Thursday, 15 May 2014


Zenie/zenith/ Man Eating Hair/Sasquatch/ Go Away 

Go Big Or Go Home, that's my personal philosophy or Ice Cream Makes Life Better
Iv always wanted to knit myself a face mask so I'm guessing this is a step in the right direction.  

  1. What motivates you to perform in the group? [personally motivated or sense of responsibility toward the group]
I'm happy with the people Iv been placed in the group with in terms of they can balance working hard and playing hard. Since you learn more if you enjoying the activity.

b. What is knitting teaching you about yourself?

How to concentrate, my attention span isn't so great but sitting down and paying attention with what I'm doing is really going to benefit me in the long run.

c.What are you learning about yourself by being in a group?

How important it is to pull your weight, if I'm not productive enough it can set the group back. do you deal with people you find challenging?

I suggest they get some ice cream to chill out.

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